Friday, September 23, 2011

Hands-On Projects

It has been a long time since I graduated from elementary school, but I don't remember ever doing so many hands-on projects and activities.  The teachers have done an excellent job providing such wonderful learning opportunities for our children.

Over the past week, I have discovered "oobleck" in 3rd grade, "convergent plate graham cracker replicas" in the 5th grade and got to see the preparation of the aquarium that will be home to our brook trout for the next several months.

3rd Grade Oobleck experiement - Is it a solid, liquid or gas?


5th Graders studying convergent plate boundaries - Loved the songs with the motions!

3rd Graders prepping the tank in Mrs. Corpening's Room - How many pitchers did it take?


I also was invited to the 4th grade Chinese Tasting!  Everything was yummy :-)


What lovely authentic dresses!