This week I was so lucky to be able to travel with the 2nd grade students to the Science Museum in Richmond. I think everyone enjoyed playing the video piano on the stairs, watching rat basketball and building all kinds of structures out of blocks in the Imagination Playroom.
The 3rd Grade students were treated to a visit from author Susan Crites who presented her new book, I Love You More Than Rainbows. She also spent time with the students going through the writing process as part of the language arts unit on steps in a process. What an amazing opportunity for our students to experience!
I also kicked off the first meeting of "Mrs. Metzgar's Soaring Eagles Book Club." I met with a group of 5th Grade students from Ms. Wain's and Mrs. Gaulden's reading classes to talk about our first book, The Fingertips of Duncan Dorfman. We enjoyed lively discussion and snacks as we shared various topics relating to the story. I had an excellent time and hope to meet with more students before the end of the year. I am anxiously awaiting some ideas from the students for our next book to explore!
My Book Club Group