Monday, June 13, 2011
End of the Year Already?
It is hard for me to believe that I am spending my day checking teachers out for the summer. For me, the year seemed to fly by. As I write this, I see that the last time I posted was prior to SOL testing. After two weeks of living in the conference room, making sure all students were tested, I was finally free to move onto the many end of year festivities. There were field days for every grade level, awards assemblies, numerous classroom "celebrations" and of course, the 5th grade graduation. It was such a joy to watch the children in their last few days of school having such a wonderful time during all of these events. They worked so hard, as did the teachers! So today we are packing, cleaning and celebrating the end of another school year. We are going to spend time socializing with our colleagues during a picnic this afternoon. How relaxing to be able to talk to each other and not have to worry about eating in 20 minutes! I would just like to say how blessed I am to work with such a wonderful group of people. The faculty and staff and Emerald Hill are second to none and I will miss them this summer as I sit in my office, making plans for another new and exciting year. Everyone have a fun and relaxing summer and I look forward to seeing everyone back here in August!